Website URL
43 Things Tagging
Advogato Free Software and Open Source developers
Amina - Chechen Republic Online Chechens
aSmallWorld European jet set and social elite
Bebo Schools and colleges African-Americans
Blue Dot Link sharing
Bolt General (music and video) Video sharing and webcam chat
Buzznet Music and pop-culture
CarDomain Car enthusiasts
Care2 Green living and activism School, college, work and the military
Consumating "Consumeetings"
Couchsurfing "Couchsurfing"
Cyworld Young South Koreans
Dandelife Collective narratives or "shared biographies"
DeadJournal "Dark" blogs, based on LiveJournal Mobile location-based service, owned by Google
DontStayIn Clubbing (primarily UK)
Doostang Careers
Ecademy Business
eSPIN Teens
Facebook Started for colleges, then high schools, and now everyone.
Faceparty British teens and 20-somethings
Flickr Photo sharing
Flirtomatic Flirting/Dating
Fotki Photo sharing
Fotolog Photoblogging
Friends Reunited School, college, work, sport and streets
Friendster General
Frühstückstreff General
Gaia Online Anime and Games Families, genealogy
GoPets Virtual pets School, college, and work Poland
Hi5 General
Hyves General Dutch social networking website.
imaPodHead Online community for iPod fanatics.
imeem Instant messaging
Infield Parking United States NASCAR fans
IRC-Galleria Finland
iWiW Hungary
Joga Bonito Football (soccer) Music
LibraryThing Book lovers
LinkedIn Business
LiveJournal Blogging
LunarStorm Sweden
MEETin General General Latinos
Mixi Japan
MOG Music
Multiply "Real world" relationships
My Opera Community General (blogs, photo albums, forums, groups, etc.)
MySpace General
myYearbook General
Netlog European young adults (14-24). Formerly known as Facebox.
Nexopia Canada
orkut Owned by Google
OUTeverywhere Gay
Passado General
Piczo Teenagers, Canadians, photo sharing
Playahead Swedish teenagers
Playtxt Mobile social network, location, worldwide
ProfileHeaven British teens
Pownce moblog for websites, files, and short updates
RateItAll Consumer ratings + social networking Locating friends and family, keeping in touch
Ryze Business
Searchles Social Search + Social Networking ( hybrid )
Sconex American high schools
Shelfari Online community for book lovers
Soundpedia Web 2.0 based music community
Sportsvite Recreational Sports
Studivz University students, mostly in the German-speaking countries
Stumbleupon Websurfing
TagWorld General (tagging)
TakingITGlobal Social action
The Doll Palace Cartoon dolls and dress up games
The Student Center Teens and colleges
Threadless Custom T-shirts Travel
Travellerspoint Travel General
Twitter Update friends with your status through SMS, IM, web interfaces
Vampire Freaks Gothic industrial culture
Vox Blogging
WAYN Travel
WebBiographies Genealogy
Windows Live Spaces Blogging (formerly MSN Spaces)
Woophy travel
Xanga Blogs and "metro" areas
XING Business
Xuqa Colleges
Yahoo! 360° Linked to Yahoo! IDs
Yelp United States adults
Zaadz Social consciousness
Zooomr Universal Photo Sharing